Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell - Book Summary

Basic Economics

Summarized key ideas & insights

Thomas Sowell

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Basic Economics

What's inside...

Inside this pivotal work, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the foundational principles of economics, appreciating how supply and demand determine market prices, and acquiring knowledge about the pivotal role of industry, commerce, work, and pay in driving economic activities. Additionally, it provides practical insights into how time and risk factor into economic decisions and how national and international economic policies distinctively shape our economic realities.

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About the Author

Thomas Sowell is an acclaimed economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. Known for his lucid and accessible style of demystifying complex economic phenomena, Sowell's insightful works have educated and inspired millions around the globe, making him one of the most influential economists of our time. Explore "Basic Economics" to benefit from his deep knowledge and perspective.

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