The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert - Book Summary

The Sixth Extinction

Summarized key ideas & insights

An Unnatural History

Elizabeth Kolbert

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The Sixth Extinction

What's inside...

Within the captivating narrative of 'The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History', you'll explore the past, present, and potentially grave future of Earth's biodiversity. From understanding the causes of past mass extinctions to grasping humans critical role in the ongoing sixth extinction, this account offers insights on the delicate balance of life and our responsibility in preserving it.

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About the Author

Elizabeth Kolbert is renowned in the field of environmental journalism, recognized for her thought-provoking work on climate change and existential threats to global biodiversity. Her compelling narratives bring to the forefront the most pressing ecological issues of our time, inspiring readers to reflect on our relationship with nature and our role in preserving it.

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