Great by Choice by Jim Collins, Morten T. Hansen - Book Summary

Great by Choice

Summarized key ideas & insights

Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck--Why Some Thrive Despite Them All (Good to Great Book 5)

Jim Collins, Morten T. Hansen

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Great by Choice

What's inside...

Inside this audio summary, you’ll gain insights into the key factors that help organizations and individuals thrive amidst uncertainty, chaos, and luck, and how adopting disciplined strategies, fact-based decisions, and embracing unpredictability can lead to significant, sustainable success.

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About the Author

Jim Collins is a reputed student and teacher of enduring great companies, having authored or co-authored six books that have sold in total more than 10 million copies worldwide. Morten T. Hansen, a management professor at University of California, Berkeley, is a renowned leadership expert who has authored several acclaimed books on organizational success and productivity. Together, their research and insights provide an instructive roadmap to achieving greatness amidst uncertainty and chaos.

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