Divorcing a Narcissist by Supriya McKenna, Karin Walker - Book Summary

Divorcing a Narcissist

Summarized key ideas & insights

the lure, the loss and the law

Supriya McKenna, Karin Walker

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Divorcing a Narcissist

What's inside...

Learn how to strategically navigate and cope with the emotionally charged process of divorcing a narcissist, from understanding the nature of narcissism, building strong legal strategies, to embarking on a path to emotional recovery post-divorce.

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About the Author

Supriya McKenna is a reputable psychiatrist specializing in narcissistic personality disorder, and Karin Walker is a renowned family law solicitor. Their combined knowledge and expertise give invaluable insights into the dynamics of divorcing a narcissist, making this a must-read for those treading similar paths.

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