Dirt Rich by Mark Podolsky - Book Summary

Dirt Rich

Summarized key ideas & insights

How One Ambitiously Lazy Geek Created Passive Income in Real Estate Without Renters, Renovations, and Rehabs

Mark Podolsky

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Dirt Rich

What's inside...

"Dirt Rich" reveals the secrets behind making a profitable passive income in real estate without the headaches of handling renters, renovations, or rehabs, and provides a step-by-step guide to land flipping as an alternative investment strategy.

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About the Author

Mark Podolsky is a real estate veteran with over a decade's experience specializing in raw land investment. Known for his innovative approach, Mark offers an engaging and informative perspective on real estate investments, breaking away from traditional narratives. His work inspires many to redefine their investment strategies and unlock appealing alternatives.

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