Our Mission

Accelerate business growth with AI, and unlock humanity's full creative potential for the benefit of all.

Our Company

Surfn is more than just a technology company.

We see artificial intelligence (AI) as the most transformative tool to enhance how individuals learn, create, connect, and grow.

Our mission? To unlock the transformative power of AI, making it the cornerstone for creative and business growth. At Surfn, we develop cutting-edge AI tools designed to propel content creators and businesses towards new horizons of success.

Our Core Values

These 6 guiding principles drive our daily actions and decisions.

Trust & Privacy

Your data privacy stands paramount to us. Every step we take ensures your account and data remain secure.

Users Always Come First

Our users are our priority. Our success is intertwined with yours, and every decision we make revolves around ensuring you succeed.

Innovation & Excellence

Continuous improvement and forward-thinking drive us. Our mission is to equip our users with innovative solutions to excel in their fields.

Integrity & Accountability

Every step we take is rooted in integrity. We stand by our word, taking personal responsibility to fulfill our commitments.

Leadership & Collaboration

Together, we achieve more. We foster a culture of teamwork, ensuring we meet our users' needs and set them up for success.

Passion for Quality

Our dedication runs deep. We're wholly committed to delivering top-notch products and services, ensuring they add unmatched value to our users.

Our Team

The team behind Surfn is based in Los Angeles, California. The co-founders Anthony "Tony" Morgan and Rupali "Pali" Renjen are engineers and designers. Surfn has a very passionate and user-focused team, and is open to all feedback, so please feel free to get in touch if you have questions or feedback!